Monday, February 27, 2012


To be honest, I do tend to speak before I think, most of the times.

But at the same time, I do watch what I say after I speak.

When I am alone, I am speaking by writing out my thoughts, on my iPhone, on my notebook, etc.

These days, I find myself thinking and being pretty much negative.

I thought I wasn't, but when I watch myself, I am.

It is okay if I am being negative alone.

I am afraid if I were being so when I am with friends or some other people.

Being depressed would be so-so okay, but if I were being offensive...that's terrible and so easy to ruin relationships.

(Well I think I am not as I try to watch my behaviour...)

I do not know what I wanna say in this post.

This post itself is so negative, haha.

Gotta feed my heart with some juicy fruit and rich chocolate I guess!!

Let's be positive.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a great difference.

Grateful days,


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